Manuals are to be read, samples are to be explored, so please take your time and read manuals carefully, study sample softwares. Before you plug in the CANUSB for the first time, read the installation manual for the USB drivers.
If you choose to use the VCP drivers, download the installation manual for CDM and the CDM driver package below. Follow the guide in the manual how to install the CANUSB. Then look at sample programs at the www.can232.com site, since the CANUSB is now behaving as a faster version of CAN232.
If you choose to use the D2XX drivers (recommended), download installation manual for CDM and the CDM driver package below. Follow the guide in the manual how to install the CANUSB. Then you could decide if you want to go the simple way and use the ActiveX (to be used with VB6 only) controller or the CANUSB DLL, if so download the driver package for that (see CANUSB DLL & ActiveX Driver below) and follow the instructions from there. If you still prefer to write your own parser/driver (such as for Linux etc.) you do not need to download this package, instead download the CANUSB Ascii Command Manual.
For best performance use the CANUSB DLL and if you do not prefer that either, use the USB D2XX drivers directly and write your own CANUSB driver/parser with the help of the CANUSB Ascii Command Manual.
Please note we do not have any support for 64bit versions of Windows right now with our own CANUSB DLL, though FTDI drivers have support for 64bit Windows, so if you use them directly and not our DLL there is no problem using 64bit Windows D2XX or COMport drivers. We plan to make 64bit DLL within fall 2011. The DLL works in 32bit mode on 64bit Windows, but on some PC's the DLL end up in wrong direcory and not properly registered. We have no solution to this yet.
USB Drivers & Installation Manuals:
Download and read carefully the installation manual before installing the CANUSB!
The CANUSB can work as a Virtual COM port (recommeded for CAN232 compability and for new users initially until you know how the CANUSB works since it works as a COM port). D2XX drivers offer a higher troughput (bandwidth) for CAN and we recommend that you use D2XX together with our CANUSB Driver DLL (VCP cannot work together with our Driver DLL). FTDI has now made new drivers (Combined Driver Model, CDM) so both are included in the same driver package, however you cannot use drivers from FTDI's website since they do not include the PID info for CANUSB, so grab the drivers from this site instead, they are the same drivers but we have added the PID info. When installed you have both a VCP port for the CANUSB and you can also use them with D2XX together with our CANUSB DLL.
NOTE: If you shall use the VCP driver with CANUSB you may need to go to device manager and click on properties on the LAWICEL CANUSB device in the USB group, then click advance tab and check the checkbox "Load VCP" and then save and exit (do this when CANUSB is connected), then unplug CANUSB and plug it in again, then it will load VCP drivers.
FTDI D2XX and VCP Drivers (CDM) with CANUSB info, version 2.08.12 (12th of April 2011):
Windows7, Windows Vista, Windows XP & Windows 2000 (32bit and 64bit versions)
CANUSB USB Driver Installation Guide - CDM (VCP+D2XX)
LAWICEL CANUSB uses VID 0403 and PID FFA8. (Older CDM Drivers)
CANUSB DLL & ActiveX Driver:
This package requires that the D2XX drivers to be installed first!
CANUSB DLL Driver (Version 0.0.18) package using the Direct Driver (D2XX)
This is Version 0.0.18 of the CANUSB Driver package (to use this, you need at least V1011 of the CANUSB firmware in order to use new functions in CANUSB!). Download, unzip and run the installation program. It installs DLL driver and ActiveX control and sample code in Visual C++ 6.0 (works in VC++ 7.0 as well), C#, VB6 and Delphi 2005. This assumes you have installed the CANUSB with the D2XX driver and it won't work with VCP drivers. The setup will also install the CANUSB API manual (canusbapi.doc) and the CANUSB ActiveX manual (canusbctrl.doc). This threaded DLL includes Open, Read, Write & Status functions with Queues etc. and will make it quick and easy for customers to make their own applications without understanding on how to parse commands and get into how the D2XX driver works. We will also make more advanced samples in VB. The C++, Delphi and C# sample uses all functions and can send & receive frames.
Contact us if you need to upgrade the CANUSB firmware to the latest version (current CANUSB firmware is V1011) and is needed to be upgraded from V1010 if you shall use new functions in CANUSB DLL driver version 0.0.9 or later (which is recommended). If you contact us, please send us the CANUSB serial #'s (yellow sticker on CANUSB has the serial #, not the USB serial#) which needs to be upgraded plus from which dealer you bought it from and we send info on where to download the firware with instructions. Use e-mail firmware[at]canusb[dot]com.
Please report problems, bugs or questions about this package to support[at]canusb[dot]com.
CANUSB ASCII Command Manual:
Only usefull if you make your own driver package and not our CANUSB DLL above!
The commands in this manual is not needed if you choose to use the DLL or ActiveX control. They are there for reference only if you prefer to write your own driver or use an operating system where we do not have a driver for such as Linux etc. Though we recomend that you download it and read the first part of the manual so you understand how it works.
Visual Basic V6 Demo:
CANUSB DLL sample using the D2XX driver.
It is included in the CANUSB DLL driver package above.
CANUSB ActiveX sample using the D2XX driver.
It is included in the CANUSB DLL driver package above.
CANUSB VCP Samples. See www.can232.com for VB6 samples, these work nice with VCP drivers (VCP is not recommended for higher speeds, this is only for compability with CAN232 applications).
Visual C++ V6/7 Demo:
CANUSB DLL sample using the D2XX driver.
It is included in the CANUSB DLL driver package above.
Visual Studio 2003 C# Demo:

CANUSB DLL sample using the D2XX driver.
It is included in the CANUSB DLL driver package above.
Delphi 2005:

CANUSB DLL sample using the D2XX driver, see CANUSB DLL driver package above.
See under Projects for a ready to use Software using CANUSB DLL (no source code).
CANUSB VCP Samples. See www.can232.com for Delphi samples, these work nice with VCP drivers (VCP is not recommended for higher speed, this is only for compability with CAN232 applications).
LabView 8:

LabView 8 sample program (kindly provided by Nick Manor from EMP R&D Center) is provided as is, we cannot give support on it as it is right now, nor can the author. The program comes with source code and a stand alone EXE file, but in order to run the stand alone file without LabView 8, you need to download the runtime files from National Instruments FTP site. Also make sure you have installed the latest version of the CANUSB API DLL and the D2XX USB drivers.
The zip file containing this project can be downloaded here. Just unzip in a new empty folder.
C Sample Program (Linux) : 
A sample package with instruction for Linux can be found here and was made for us by a customer. The maker have tested this driver under some Linux distributions and it seems to work well, however we (LAWICEL AB) cannot do support related questions on Linux right now since we have no Linux machine nor any experience with Linux. Follow the instructions on how to install the driver etc. It is important that you use the drivers included in the package since these drivers include our CANUSB PID info etc. This package is not the same full blown driver package as delivered with Windows, it is more a sample source code package on how to get started and install the CANUSB under Linux and send and receive frames using the D2XX driver. Customers who want to contribute with code built on this code or from code written from scratch are welcome todo so and we will put the code in the Linux folder with full credit to you. Just send us an e-mail to linux[at]canusb[dot]com. |